Thursday, May 26, 2005


I don't really know you (and maybe many other people in the class) really well...
But why do I get the feeling that this class will never be the same again when you leave?

Been feeling somewhat empty nowadays. June holidays are coming, but why wasn't I expecting it at all?
June holidays. It seems so short now that I cramped most of my activities in it. Leadership camp, etc...and to study with my cousin while staying at my grandma's home nearby.

Thinking about signing up for NYAA but what new skill to learn? To learn an art of self-defence like taekwondo or a new language like Japanese? Not musical because I am kind of sick of it (I already know how to play the piano and erhu). Maybe I should take an old tip from Leo and go get a Diploma in Information Technology. But I hate to use the computer for long hours, and the Diploma is expensive to get.

ADD-ON: After being given some advice, think should go for computing skills for NYAA.

Anyway, Mewie and Twiggy, why nowadays we all are so busy? Miss the times we were together, talking, playing, studying, eating, reading Manga, and watching Inuyasha...
Maybe we had to "graduate" from being seperated into different classes to now being seperated into different schools? Whatever it is, I accept it.

But we need to meet up one day to eat sushi!!!

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