Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where is the freaking letter?

I want my letter!

I got one, but from some insurance plan thingy courtesy of CPF's arrangement. Don't know what it is all about, need to ask my Dad soon.

This job is a little draggy. I'm just days into my work and I feel like I've been there for more than a week already. Hmm maybe because of my CNY job being about the same stuffs. I will have enough strength to carry on still, because I know that no matter what, this job is many times better than a previous job. I'm starting to feel like an Automated Talking Machine (pun on ATM huh?) again (yea, some things never change), so I will be glad for a break when this job ends. With the pasar malam nearby, the feeling of Bedok central is like a carnival, and I like it that way.

Still, I want my break soon, which is beginning of next month, and most importantly, my letter! LETTER! YOU'D BETTER COME SOON! HMPH!

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