Friday, April 06, 2007

Avatar blues

Me: I drew my avvie
Someone: Anything more special?
(Inside - -;;)

Don't worry, you're not the only one who's given me such a response on that picture.

This is what you see on MSN

The actual thing (Click it)

I admit that was a bit stupid, but it was a request from an Aurose buddy from a while back. I'd love to do a cooler pose for it but I sadly lack the basics. It wasn't meant to be an avatar but I didn't have any other pictures that can be used on MSN back then. I ought to change it to a pudding picture that I found recently.

Since the stupid results came out I began to have little mood for drawing. So there aren't really any recent pics that I can show. I don't really feel like drawing now. I want to finish my statistics revision and also my piano scores for two FF songs.

I'll save my drawing spirit for tomorrow. Mission: faculty test! Gotta sleep and wake up early!

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