Thursday, May 10, 2007

No news = terrible news

Well...I really don't know what to make of it, but it has been already 8 days since those (first and only batch of) JC letters got out.

All the JC people get either acceptance letter(s) for something(s) or no letter so far, I think.

I haven't got any letter yet. There's nothing to be proud of, because this feels like bad news in either of a few ways.

1) I'm placed on the "outright rejected" list due to grades.
2) I'm place on the "outright rejected" list due to a badly-presented portfolio, a lack of potential in their opinion, or a vision they do not share.
3) I am on a waiting list, but there are clashes to disallow/allow me in...
4) I am on a waiting list, since places are filled. (Sigh to be considered for the leftover space...anything...)
5) They haven't processed my damn portfolio yet because I sent it in on the last day. (Very likely because Mew also hasn't gotten any news from them yet)
6) My CD was corrupted/lost/broken/mishandled. (But I sent in 3 CDs o_O)

I feel rather ignored. I called NTU admission people up, all they would say that merit (of results) plays no role in whether your application gets processed first or not. The person also said that results are released in batches, and all letters would be sent out by end of this month.

All I can think of is that the further this drags on, the slimmer the chances would be for anyone else (including me) to get in, unless they expand their spaces this year. Is that even possible? Possibly, since there was one last batch. Yet, would such a place be able to handle the increasing student load to allow for such?

I have this feeling that placement of choices play a role to some certain extent this year. Heard someone with AAB C6 got rejected for NTU Biz...but that was Jigglyn's grade...I am guessing that maybe her past CCA (Entrepreneurship club I think) helped somewhat.

Yet, I placed the first 3 choices for that certain school, and still no news? This doesn't bode well.

Ok, even of this stupid letter stuff. I feel overwhelmed. I should make a story of it one day. Anyway, revision is going fine. Gotta brush up on everything.

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