Monday, May 07, 2007

Blogger is being a moron

Seriously, the whole posting template and the dashboard is screwed.

I am thinking of migration to Livejournal but I really liked the customisation features of Blogger when it was fine.

Now when are they going to fix it? It has been 3 good days already! I swear I am not the only one, though Mew doesn't seem to have this problem, and Mushy's Blog seems not as badly affected as mine (Though it was clear there was something screwed up on his page).

It is Monday already and there is no email/letter yet. I feel pretty anxious somewhat. I mean, yes, my grades sucks, the portfolio I submitted in is not quite of standard, but I did put in my potential in it.

Or is it because I screwed up my faculty test story?

Oh well. Guessing never really helps me very much anyway, unless I am on the right track.

I really don't know. One side of me wants to be in it, the other side thinks I am not ready. But hey, come to think of it, I never had been ready for so many things, but I still got through them ok. Also, I never really realised it until a latest outing, when I suddenly realised how fast time goes that we are just a few years to not being a teenager anymore. The thought of it scares me somewhat - in addition to the notion of how precious time is and how we need to grasp it to do the things we need to do.

For some people, this means perfection towards being an all-rounded. For me, I've been advised by a lot of people, as well as my higher self, to go with what I feel I need to do.

Ah, the angst of growing up. Some of us do mature faster and go with the flow, or even faster than normal, but some of us, I guess our souls feel pretty young compared to the time we have gone through.

Things will work out though. I'd be interested in seeing how they will.

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