Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I almost forgotten one of my passwords! Hmm but I manage to get it back after a while. To think of it, how I remembered was because I traced it back to an old friend who helped me to sign up there. I gave an extremely stupid but unique password which was quite memorable.

Korean Audition never fails to disappoint. They have Club Dance II which was pretty sweet, Dynamic 4 crazy which was definitely crazy. And I think they are moving into season 2 soon. Surely that will be better, since most of the modes there (even the new ones) are beginning to feel stale in concept. They are just using novelty to sustain, and the client is really getting bigger. If they do not even move into season 2, perhaps it will be terrible. After all, their server information has already been leaked out since a while ago.

I really have very little patience to go through a game now since the concepts are almost always the same. Grinding, repetition are like the hallmarks of such online games. The community is a holding factor, but sadly, it is not realistic here. I sent an email days ago and he has yet to reply back. Never mind, sort of expected it anyway. I have deleted Mabinogi as it was starting to become stale.

But aside from that, I think my revisions are really becoming stale. Eek. That's it, no more playing around from now on.

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