Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wondering how to cope...

Been a while, I actually feel a little cut-off from the world except for classes and stuff.

So, been starting school at SIM-UOL with my coursemates. I actually don't recognise everyone but I'll try to get to know them as we get along. Lectures are fine so far...and during breaktimes hang out a bit with two girls but they seem to get along better with each other. It's fine though, at least we're a small group and we can get along too. I actually love what I'm studying right now but I'm stressed when it comes to impending examinations for something else which will definitely crash with lessons. Have to try and cope with it whatsoever.

I worry about my Dad and so on. It's stressful. If I don't do well this time round, he'll definitely have more to say about me. I don't really care but it's true that I haven't been doing well enough for years. Even though I'm such a disappointment and a big letdown, he's still supporting me in my studies, piano courses and stuff. I was thinking about giving up the second and final round. After much thought, I decided that I cannot be giving up right now, not after what I've tried so hard to do.

I'm actually showing a bit of improvement in piano but I always feel it isn't enough. Oh well. But I'll be looking forward to the piano concert in December if I can get to participate in it. Omg and this is my first too! I never thought I could join one before I came to this music school. Actually I didn't show a big reaction when I first heard it from my teacher, because I was a bit worried if I can cope with it, but come to think about it now, it is really cool! It should be fine though...just need to practice more hehe.

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