Monday, May 08, 2006

Sigh no 2

I don't know if it would be better for me to be like a woodblock, totally devoid of opinions. Something or someone seem to pick on you all the time. Especially Erim, who will never let go of the computer even for very important stuff until he wants to. But Erim helped me get my cheery mood back by telling me about something that I have overlooked while I was all concentrated on why I tend to attract a lot of negative attention and getting all depressed because of my past.
Anyway, just shot a msg to someone. I dunno what the person will think about it. If the person still reserve those thoughts about me, then I'll do as Erim has just told me, just take it as a joke, and live on.

I cannot help that some people love to gossip. How careful can one get? Maybe I think too much lah..crap..What's so great about me?
Wait, am I trying to degrade myself?
Life is just such a paradox at times.

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