Thursday, May 12, 2005

A small discovery

I was playing with my sister again. She's a year old. Her usual style was to hug her toy plushies and dolls whenever she sees them. She had a fond liking for this special one doll.

Today was unusual. She took the doll and threw it out of her playcot to me. She did this for a couple of times. I was puzzled. I kept acting with the doll, to make it seem very sad about being unwanted. I don't know why but my sis kept laughing (maybe it was me and my crappy acting, I kept laughing a bit).

Then she pointed to one part of the doll. I saw what she meant. I pull up the doll's left sleeve to reveal the hidden arm and gave it to her. This time the offer wasn't rejected. She gladly hugged the doll.

Moral-of-story: Children are born not knowing how to accept people that are not normal. Like the "doll without a hand"?


Someone's been impersonating me. Since when did I become a les-?
People and their crazy ideas @_@;;

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