Saturday, October 15, 2005
It's been so long since I blogged.
Been more gloomy than ever.
I'm guessing that next year I won't be seeing some people in TPJC anymore. Or maybe everyone. It all depends.
I obtained 1 A and 4 AOs for the promos. Again my science subjects failed me. Or rather, I failed them.
Sometimes I don't know which is better: To stay in JC or to go off to Poly. Either way, both has its uncertainties.
If I stay in JC, I'm going to have to figure out how to improve my subjects.
If I stay in JC, I'm going to have to figure out how to actually contribute to SC.
If I stay in JC, I'm going to have to figure out what to do about Chess Club.
If I stay in JC, I'm going to have to figure out how can I make it to Uni.
If I stay in JC, I'm going to have to figure out how I am going to survive mostly on my own for another year.
Can't talk anymore, have PW to settle. Which is a pain in the neck...
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
What on earth did I do to deserve this?
What the...
It doesn't mean that just because my results are bad they are going to discourage me....*sweatdrops*
Maybe it should have been "disappointing". Another form of Shi wang. I'm not going to hate the teacher who worded it. Must have been a language problem.
I really dunno what to do about tomorrow. My parents going to meet the teachers. I'm hoping they would not go...
Perhaps they are going to say the same thing everyone says about me. Too quiet.
People say that I have a lot to write on my blog while I don't when I speak. I don't know, I sometimes just don't feel like talking sometimes on initiative...I don't mean to be rude or hostile or anything...
My EQ would probably be very low...people skills...
People of common interest will usually find it easier to communicate, but I'll still try my best not to isolate myself too much...pardon me for tagging along at many times...
Thanks to everyone who came for the SC Investiture...Even though I was pretty occupied with making the event a good one so I didn't notice S07 except for Cherr and gang before the walk-in...
Was afraid I would screw it up...
By the way, I don't think I will be updating the other blog anymore, life is getting busy ever since I resolved to do something about those grades...
I tend to understand Biology better now that Ms Leo goes through the enzymes essay questions. Hopefully it is a sign of a good start.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Daydreaming still...
...of Chrno Crusade.
I'm slightly obsessed with the manga/anime (as I am with Harry Potter). Hopefully the cosplay convention might have something of Chrno Crusade on Sunday...
Maybe someday I might be able to learn Japanese and be able to read those wonderful Japanese fantasy novels the twins are talking about...
Images courtesy of Wikipedia. IMO (in my opinion) Slowpoke is still the cutest of all.
Jigglypuff, is of course, much cuter.
Slowbro (with the shell):
GP today was ok. Pretty easy to follow the lesson but there is the tendency for me to drift off halfway...
Can't tell which is better (her or Mr Ben), both has their own good points and weaknesses. Here's my favourite chinese chengyu to sum it all up: Ge you qian qiu.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
First term 3 GP homework
I prefer to do comprehension work in class.
I decided not to ask anything about what kind of foolscap we should use.
I'm (silently) contented with my chinese grade. Getting a B4.
Been keeping quiet about it since Robin was jealous.
It's the only subject where I got a decently good pass...
My secondary school Chinese teacher would have been proud. He always had faith in me even though I was the weakest in the level.
Gotta work harder >=)
It's been so long since I updated
Now I seriously don't know what on earth happened to the webhosting.
Been trying to find Roshawn on MSN but it seems that because of time zone differences...
I miss compiling data for the website and discussing about the website's progress with Mewie and Twiggy in school.
But somewhat, I think I grew suddenly tired of updating. Haven't been drawing Pokemon related fanart for a while already.
I guess I'll just take the time as a Hiatus for now and do something about my bad grades.
I'll end this entry with the last computer graphic fanart of Pokespecial I made...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
2 Fs, 1 E
I guessed I have underestimated the importance of time.
But what can I do but to rely on inner strength again to overcome my problems?
Failing has already been a part of my life so I guess it isn't too bad this time.
But when will I regain better days again?
Pokémania? Never expected the topic brought up by my class at all...
Here's Slowpoke...
This is my favourite Pokemon...
And the yellow critter...
SC Investiture rehearsal was till quite late today, never been at school till 9 on usual days. But I guess it is a part of being in a CCA which requires a lot of commitment and yet doesn't have a fixed schedule...
I used to be from the Chinese Orchestra so our practice times were regular, till 5pm or so. I still feel nostalgic about my CCA memories whenever I hear those familiar orchestral sounds...
No use for yearning for the past now. Sometimes what we want is not what we really want. I dislike practicing the same songs for 3 hours, and having 2 practices a week is super horrible in my honest opinion...
New permanent GP teacher seems like the type that goes by the book...I smell slightly boring GP lessons ahead but oh well...
Whatever the case, I'm glad we did the presentations already. This term is going to be a busier one.
Friday, July 01, 2005
I'm so going to flop...
I'll get it back up soon with a new layout. However I can't update the class photos anymore so we have to get an online photo album for it.
Those Biology paper memories are starting to haunt me. I'm going to flop that paper badly.
I never had the aptitude for Biology. Yet the Arts sort of subjects (Geography, English Literature) that bored me to death in Secondary school even though I could do well in them most of the time.
Sometimes I wonder why I chose it other than the reason that it will give me a wider career option in the future. I just don't know what I will become in a few years time. With this introverted personality of mine I really can't tell.
My friend in a Biotechnology course in Polytechnic tells me how interesting their courses are, e.g. experimenting with the mixing of A and B type blood cells. Most of their theoretical work is based on practical experience if I'm not wrong. I envy them somewhat.
Maybe the only way is to "si3 du2" (straightforward translation: dead reading). Something I loathe a lot and never used it ever since I left primary school.
Maybe I'm cursed to have no aptitude for things I like or have no hate for.
Now my feelings about an Anime/Manga I lately had an interest in:
Why did Rosette and Chrno had to die?!?!
And to add on to that, they died in vain as Aion still lives on.
With the element of pseudo-religion in it, it is a very confusing story which has a high risk of offending those of that faith.
It was quite the bittersweet ending. Hope there will be a sequel to it some time in the future with a happy ending.
Gotta restrict myself from playing too much Gunbound...
It's a really fun game. My current status is Double stone hammer; I like to take one Teleport, 2 Heals and one Dual for every battles. 2 on 2 tag battles are my favourite battles. And my favourite bots (In no particular order) are: A. Sate, Nak, Aduka, Ice, Knight, Dragon, Rayon, Turtle and J. Frog (Froggie power!)
Kasidon is not bad either now that I found out that it has to be used at a high angle for the best effect. Mage too.
A. Sate: Love it for the SS, when you are close to opponent and know where exactly to hit. I dunno what SS is, probably super special move? It can give lots of damage if you are accurate.
Nak: Does lots of damage when you are accurate. Only thing is SS is very hard to execute.
Aduka: The electric purple spider. As with Nak, lots of damage and SS is hard to execute. The bot with highest status for Defence, Movement and Attack. This is also my first favourite bot.
Ice: The elephant. Good for executing high angle attacks and causing a drop in enemy bots' defences.
Knight & Dragon: Knight is a fiery horse. Dragon is cute and purple. The special bots that are only attainable by random mode. They are very rare to get. To date, I'm sure I have gotten at least 5 Knights and 10 Dragons. Does extremely high damage but very hard to control.
Rayon: This one is good for long range battles...because it can shoot out 2 little creatures that explode when they crawl to your opponents.
Turtle: Does high damage but weak against electric bots like aduka.
J. Frog: This bot is extremely fast (you get to attack faster than your opponents), but the damage done is considerably average. The speed is definitely the main advantage. Froggie power!
Kasidon: The motorbike. I initially thought that it was a name of some Japanese (noodle?) dish! Good for high angle attacks. Does a lot of damage even though this is one difficult bot to control.
Mage: Decent SS, otherwise average bot. I used to like this bot after Aduka.
Grub: This caterpillar can shoot out 3 balls of energy that cascade down slopes and damage opponents. SS is good when your enemy is trapped in a hole...
Boomer: Good for bunging at high angles. But I still dunno how to use this bot.
Bigfoot: Very good for bunging enemies, otherwise an average bot.
J.D.: Good for bunging enemies at the edge of a cliff because the 2nd shot has a "suck" effect.
Lightning: Average but sometimes useful.
Armor: Just an average bot to me.
Just what I think about the bots I've been using.
Now just 5000 G more before I can get that Singapore flag for a year. Then no one will need to ask Tiachan where she's from.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Finished CIP!
The girls (Mavis, Oriana and Rajanni) were chatty, Zheng Xun and Kai Xuan were quiet but very smart boys, Liyana didn't talk much as she didn't come for the first day, and there's Wilson the absentee who overslept and didn't come at all.
Overall, they are cool to be with. Wish I had prepared a keepsake for each of them. Was so tired out for the two days that followed, but I'm now ready to study for the Common tests. I learnt some study tips too---just as they did for their PSLE.
Our group name was bad, Avianants was hard to pronounce, especially for the cheer. (Originally a S-I-N-G-A-P-O-R-E cheer thing, didn't went too well though we did our best, then became something I came up with...) During the prize presentation, we were the "Aviants".
My partner was missing for the second and last day. The girls have been asking where my "boyfriend" went to. Most of the other volunteers also had the same situation, since a male and female group leader was assigned to each group. The "young adults" (they aren't really children in a sense, also they don't like to be called it) assume that just by holding hands or by being associated together you are automatically entitled to be one's boyfriend/girlfriend.
I have to admit that I wasn't a great leader, being the quiet sort, so I'm very thankful to have a co-operative group.
The question of why I joined this CIP came up from another volunteer who joined the CIP, I just said that I felt it would be fun to join it. Actually, it isn't the real reason, I made a vow/silent promise last year that if PEARLS was scrapped off I would be happy to take more initiative to join CIP. In any case this reason is no longer important. I feel happy being of help in any case. CIP used to be picking up litter on the beaches, having a walkathon for the school raising fund, visiting the old folks home. This was something more memorable.
Also, it seems like 05S03, a class with 4 A level subjects, have a number of volunteers who turned up to help consistently. Was wondering how on earth they juggle studies so well, these smart people. I turned up for the 3 days, but I must admit that I haven't finished studying yet...
I pre-ordered HP from Popular! Thinking back about it, I must be mad, seeing that the prices of the previous books have dropped to less than half the price of the new book (Compare a mere $15 to $40). Anyway, I must study hard so that I can enjoy reading the new book when it's out, as a reward...that's what I'm thinking about at the moment.
To all who's reading, good luck for your CTs too!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
2) Our GPP is finally approved! This is great! However, we are the last group to get the GPP approved. Not too good news but it's still a relief. Been doing the GPP at 4am this morning, finished it by 5am, and went to sleep again. That's why I was late (I overslept =.=;;)
Round 5 of the Ice cream factory game looking good =)
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I solemnly swear that I...
HP craze has started to come back to me, but according to some quiz I took, I'm just 75-80% mad about HP, so I'm sane and it is one of my favourite books. (Which is correct ^^;; )
Doing a GPP is....crappy. Especially if the teacher keeps sending back the GPP asking for improvements. And being the only active one editing it at the moment is a pain.
Seriously, why does it seem like my PW class is the one where the teacher keeps finding fault with the proposals we send in? I recall someone (you probably won't know who) talking about her teacher having problems with their GPP too, so maybe we are not alone.
Meeting the new GP teacher tomorrow. Bet some people won't turn up since it isn't going to be very useful in their opinion. Or maybe the previous put them off too much to be fond of the next. I am just going to see who and how the new teacher is like.
The ice-cream game. I'll just give "who cancelled the 8 missing workers problem" the benefit of the doubt. It was a blessing-in-disguise, now that I found out we definitely needed more factory (a.k.a. ice-cream storage) space. It would have been a waste of $$$ and ice-cream if they had been brought in this round.
Factory space is super expensive, it's 8 x 6000 = $24000 of cash gone. We can only hire 2 more workers for the next round.And about that 2 workers, I estimate about at most 1950 x 2 x 2 = $7800 of unused labout and we gotta pay for it. And they won't be working for this round at all.
Still, there will be 2 x 3000 = 6000 tubs of ice-cream more for Round 5. We definitely need more for the huge market in the game, or it will be a waste of our high (but mighty) expenditure on the advertising and R & D ^___^
Monday, June 06, 2005
Sad day...
The PW thing didn't went as well as what we wanted it to be. Should have used some scent like lemon which everyone won't object to. At least it seems to have a purpose, to prove something to us: Aromatherapy cannot be done in the school since everyone's tastes are different. Wish Teresa was around, since she knows the most about Aromatherapy.
And now I checked the ice-cream factory game, I found out that the 8 people I ordered for the next round were non-existant. And so now we can only make 90,000 tubs of ice-cream next round. And that means we still have some more unsatisfied customers.
8 x 3000 = 24,000 tubs of ice-cream gone with the wind. And we have only 5 more rounds to go.
But all was not for the worst. Janice's edit actually saved us, because of my wrong estimation for the market in Smallville and Cottageland. And she upped the prices too, which was also a good thing. Money, money, money =P
It's been depressing, because June holidays are no longer like what they used to be, where I can make use of them to relax, or to update the website I ran (now it's in very bad condition as no one is there to update it).
Guess the session didn't really work for me. I think the Gardenia smell is not for me at all.
Any one going to buy Harry Potter & the Half-Blooded Prince in July anyway? I want to read haha...
Also, here's a personality quiz I took today.
the simple things. Like hanging out with friends and watching movies at home. But you're sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just can't seem to break into the crowd and be noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing and speak but when you have more to say. Don't hide behind your books and sports and computer, get out there and get noticed. You also have deep desires in life and feel vunerable and alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What helps me to express feelings and dreams that I can't say to people, is through my writting. Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, June 02, 2005
A holiday week unlike another...
This June Holiday is going to be like no other that I had.
Our PW group meetings and some (insane?) happenings with the twins, and an Ice-cream Factory Game to settle...
At least all problems were solved for now =)
And now to really complete my homework >_<;;
Saturday, May 28, 2005
One-month vacations are back!
No more worries about results and where we are heading to (JC or poly).
I decided not to go for the NYAA because of money matters.
SC elects are going for a leadership camp during the June holidays, and that includes me. Can't wait for it. Better finish all the holiday homework before I can put my entire mind to it.
The problem with homework is that it gives a lot of worry for me if I do not do it as soon as possible, and thus my mind is not focused on what I want to really do at the current moment, hence the "blurness" problem.
Also, is my problem with being "silent and passive most of the time" starting to cause problems with people I interact with? One of the SC seniors dropped a tag on my election blog to advise me to speak more with people, including them, and not give the silent treatment. They got the wrong idea...and its my fault...
Really, I don't know what to say most of the time. People tend to talk about trendy things, such as the latest songs or even about the cutest boy in the school. I am super unknowledgeble in such things. People may talk about TV programmes, but the problem is, my home has a curfew on TV, not for me but more for my brother, who slacks a lot. And I have to conform to that because I'm the eldest and need to set the example.
As a result, I may seem to be living in a world of my own. But really, I'm not.
Or maybe I'm just afraid of being myself. Just because the twins draw better than me doesn't mean that I should give up on drawing manga characters now. I tend to rub off my drawings off my notes everytime I think of it. And just because I am not like the rest means that I should give up on being myself.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
But why do I get the feeling that this class will never be the same again when you leave?
Been feeling somewhat empty nowadays. June holidays are coming, but why wasn't I expecting it at all?
June holidays. It seems so short now that I cramped most of my activities in it. Leadership camp, etc...and to study with my cousin while staying at my grandma's home nearby.
Thinking about signing up for NYAA but what new skill to learn? To learn an art of self-defence like taekwondo or a new language like Japanese? Not musical because I am kind of sick of it (I already know how to play the piano and erhu). Maybe I should take an old tip from Leo and go get a Diploma in Information Technology. But I hate to use the computer for long hours, and the Diploma is expensive to get.
ADD-ON: After being given some advice, think should go for computing skills for NYAA.
Anyway, Mewie and Twiggy, why nowadays we all are so busy? Miss the times we were together, talking, playing, studying, eating, reading Manga, and watching Inuyasha...
Maybe we had to "graduate" from being seperated into different classes to now being seperated into different schools? Whatever it is, I accept it.
But we need to meet up one day to eat sushi!!!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Thumbs up to Mind-maps =)
This weekend has been quite good, took the time to finish all my homework and also made a Mind-map for the Biology chapter on Lipids. It's about 95% done at this point of time, need to write up about the advantages of storing triglycerides over storing carbohydrates and glycogen before it's fully done.
Mind-maps. Ms Leo made me realised how dead useful Mind-maps are, especially for Biology, one of my weakest (but one of my least hated) subject in Secondary school. For one, I have a short-attention span (cannot stand flipping through notes the way my cousin does it non-stop. She happens to be more hardworking than me and thus went to a top 5 JC), and secondly I am a visual learner (this means I learn better with colours and pictures). I was initially apprehensive of mind-maps in my secondary school days because I am too lazy to write them out.
It's getting late so gtg...
Friday, May 20, 2005
Super Sotong Me
I guess I can do something about it. This blurness is related to low confidence in my knowledge and sleepiness (I don't listen to details as well when I'm tired).
So the first thing I'm going to do is to relax this weekend! Something really much needed since the Sea Sports Carnival took off most of my energy for this week.
Maths test was horrible...I dunno what to say...I need to practice more that's all.
I think the most important thing about tests is that they reveal the gaps in your knowledge, and then it's your responsibility to identify them and work on it to perfect your understanding of the topic.
Something which I haven't been doing X_X
Gotta go work on it. But I need to have some fun first or I will be a nervous wreck.
And I got the free hosting account from Netrulon! Finally! 3 months was quite a wait for a free hosting maybe I can design websites. But where got time? Still got PW stuff. So laterz.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Homework that doesn't taste good
Bio Structural Qns
And then revision for Maths Common Test---Trigonometry
And the side dish is the inedible Maths Sketching worksheet. I have no appetite for that one.
And tomorrow, there will be chemistry tutorial. And I have yet to read up the online tutorial for Ideal Gas Law...
And now I have gotta log out soon.
Bon appetite? -_-;;
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Homework homework homework
Still got Essay Outline for Biology to do, Maths worksheet to do, GP Essay to do, GP news journal to do.
At this rate...sigh...
But I really want to study and do well! 1 and a 1/2 years is really too short to be in a "slacker's mood" in JC...
But it seems like my mindset is not the same as the others...
Been spending at least 4 hours searching for GP essay material...later still need to use computer to draw out graph...I'm already getting so sick of using the computer for homework for today liao...
Thursday, May 12, 2005
A small discovery
Today was unusual. She took the doll and threw it out of her playcot to me. She did this for a couple of times. I was puzzled. I kept acting with the doll, to make it seem very sad about being unwanted. I don't know why but my sis kept laughing (maybe it was me and my crappy acting, I kept laughing a bit).
Then she pointed to one part of the doll. I saw what she meant. I pull up the doll's left sleeve to reveal the hidden arm and gave it to her. This time the offer wasn't rejected. She gladly hugged the doll.
Moral-of-story: Children are born not knowing how to accept people that are not normal. Like the "doll without a hand"?
Someone's been impersonating me. Since when did I become a les-?
People and their crazy ideas @_@;;
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Taking Criticism and Setbacks...
And comments are generally (and indirectly) targeted to me.
Not that I hate criticism, I prefer it to the shallowness of hypocrisy.
But it really makes me wonder about these sort of people. Are they just trying to release their spite on others, being the sadistic kind? Or are they just trying to attract attention?
Maybe I just shouldn't give a damn to these sort of things. No point wasting my energy.
Also, since those comments were supposed to be a personal thing, I think I should just ignore it. We've got to respect others' freedom of speech...
But really, next time I run for election or something along that, at least I know what's coming up for me.
Today, I met a friend who told me about their campaign posters being "altered" mercilessly, to the extent that pictures of their faces were gone. I empathize with her. It is heartaching to see your posters in an awful state after bravely pasting it out there in one corner of the school.
I'm just thankful that I didn't paste photos on mine.
Same thing again, what kind of people are these? One that loves to create misery for others without putting themselves in others' shoes?
All I can do is to remind myself that these people inevitably exist in our world and all we can do is to handle such setbacks well.
What else can we do?
Also, I think me being super silent in school is starting to scare me. It's an indicator that I'm not following my lessons well. I'm super lost in Trigonometry and Biology.
For Chemistry, I'm still pretty much on track, except for that old problem on Ideal Gases, much thanks to Ms Lee's fantastic tutorials [and the twins who have been very helpful =)].
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Canoeing today
More fun than dragonboating in my opinion =)
And we capsized the canoes on purpose!
That's enough of fun for the week, coz I've got the Individual Proposal, GP news article, Maths Assignment and Biology BC2 (SPA stuff to read up) to do...
Also on the revision list is Maths Trigo for the Maths lecture test this week...
Gotta get serious >=)
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sports Day
Also went bowling with 5 classmates, am getting the hang of it even though I fared as one of the lousiest in the 2 games. Hope to play a better game next time =) We also had fun playing around with the "Edit Name" functions on the name became Jessica, later Uncle, and another Ah Long. Haha. (Mine became Puddy and then Pudding).
Also, MJC happened to have Sports Day today also. They had lessons in the morning and had Sports Day in the afternoon. I'm happy enough that there aren't any lessons today (or we will be tired out too much).
The only question is: who copied who?
Thursday, May 05, 2005
My life is changing
I was the silent dreamer.
Back then in Secondary School, I'm just a nobody.
Just some girl who's at the last 3 or 4 of the class every major examinations.
Just some girl who keep failing Higher Chinese.
Just some girl who neglected her studies after being depressed and indulged in computer games, forums and websites.
Just some girl who is a misfit in her class of smart people.
Just some girl who the teachers probably never want to care about.
Just some girl who is a plain member of the Chinese Orchestra, some boring CCA in the school where there is a lack of guys.
Just some girl who the teachers think that do not have the potential to be a leader.
Just some girl who never talks unless the teachers prompts her to in class.
Just some girl who is ill-informed about the challenges and how CCA points work in Secondary School.
Just some girl appearing as either emotionless or sad most of the time.
The only thing to be proud of was that I was in an SAP school, in Special Stream.
Yet I felt dismay as word goes round that other neighbourhood schools appeared to improve quickly.
The high moral standards just seemed to keep dropping year after year.
What just happened to my school?
Things are now different.
I started contemplating about the past in MI and TPJC, two schools I had never expected myself to be part of in the first place.
Two schools where I found happiness.
The sleeping dragon in me has been half-awoken from slumber.
I'm now a somebody who tries her best to keep up with lessons and not neglect them no matter how hard it is to understand them.
Somebody who wants to be proud of her school.
Somebody who wants to be part of the action and not wait for things to happen.
Somebody who's running for Student Council.
Somebody who don't want to be quiet all the time.
Somebody who wants to make the best out of the 2 years she had been granted, to repent for the lousy performance in her previous school.
Somebody who wants to be part of the class.
Somebody who is starting to appreciate Chinese lessons the way it should have been for her.
Yet something I know hasn't changed inside me.
I'm still pretty much the dreamer as always.
But now one who wants to turn dreams into reality.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Stupid Me
I gave away our school identity by wearing a green PE Tee on the day of the Dragonboat outing.
(Apparently AS' father was there for Dragonboating also. Who is AS? You have gotta guess coz I'm not telling.)
TPJC Chinese Orchestra obtained Silver for SYF (if the info in the forums is correct). Not bad at all, since they didn't have any Pipa players to start with.
AHS CO wasn't short of any group of instruments 3 years back, yet we got only a bronze. This year however, we got a Silver.
I'm loving the life at TPJC. Studies are less stressful and Chinese lessons are slow-paced (At least nobody seemed to look down on me). No regrets taking Higher Chinese though, it is an insurance for the University admissions (I got D7).
Although I have my grudges against my own Secondary school in the past, somewhat I'm starting to miss the good times there. I have best friends who I can really depend on even though we are seperated by a classroom and two walls. My CCA had fun times.
Now I am wondering what happened to my ex-class people and ex-CCA friends, even though I didn't really like some people in my previous class. Maybe I will go message them on MSN one day.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Class outing #2
Lots of insane stuff happened today.
btw, to anyone who have suffered as a result of my stupid ideas or suggestions, I'm very very very sorry for it...been feeling guilty about it for the rest of today X_X
We have both sun and rain today...what a great deal :-/
Yet it was a very fun day for the rest who didn't come along, wish you were there.
[Note: The last part of the outing is not worth reading, seriously.]
The first part of today:
-We sang kiddy songs...(Row row row your boat/London Bridge is falling down)
-My legs got sunburnt (Luckily that's about it. Thanks to JY for sparing me some of your sunblock! =D)
-Some stranger thought Robyn was a bird...
The second part of today (Lunch):
-We got free flow of drinks after 1 hour of dehydration (yay!)
-???'s cheap specs...
The third part of today (Downtown East)
-100 metres dash to...???
-Arcade (Observed Para-para and car-racing)
-A short Magic Show
-Sports Shop?
-Bowling, but didn't get to do so. We were watching at some pros at their game while waiting for the rain to stop. One of them could make the ball bend in its tracks, and by doing so, hit all the pins 3 times in a row! He scored 227 points.
The last part of today (Secret Info, Location: ????? ??? ????)
-T????? o??? c?????g t??t w???? t????? ?? f?? (?????m?n) k???
-K???-?????? ?a? g???????? a ??op
-??r??a g?? ?e?-?p ??t? ?h? un???d??t??l? w???
-Climax: Rain again! X_X
-I ??? an ??? l??y us??? k??e to c???r h??d (s????st?d i??a la???)
-?ook ?h??t?? ?? s?m? ?t?ll, s??? ??? ???-?????
-Someone u?? k??? t? ????? ??? ???d
-W????? i? ??i?; t?e pair ?? ge??le??n g?? ??en??ed
-??????by: "??h? Fi??? t??e I ??e s???o?? ?s? k??? ??r s?????r."
-Finale: We all go home.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Cheese...uh I mean...chess =P
And then I got 3-4 replies with "who (the heck) are you?" X_X
There's a badminton outing today again. Didn't stay on long after 12, coz of GP project about Gender Roles of Men and Women. I'm pretty worried, even though there is an extra day this weekend (Monday=Labour Day holiday). I still have the PW IP to polish up, Chemistry Tutorial to complete (don't want to antagonise the Chem teacher and make more trouble for myself, I am already confused with the chapter with Dalton's Law etc...), Maths Trigo (which I have to study and do to understand, there's a test next week Friday with it as one of the topics), and GP homework (a nice set of journal: writing and news)
And then there is Canoeing outing.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Failures in my life...
1st reject: Unsuccesful in getting a place to learn Japanese at MOE Language Centre.
2nd reject: AHS rejected application from me to offer triple sciences.
3rd reject: MJC called up to say I was unsuccessful in my appeal (1st intake).
4th reject: MJC did not reply to my appeal for the 2nd intake.
5th reject: Declined a chance to take up 4 A level subjects at TPJC
6th reject (Today): Rejected to be in TPJC's I & E committee.
I really wonder what is with all these rejects. Is it truely for the better?
I really think so.
I kind of saw a pattern just today. All these are probably for my own good as I couldn't have possibly coped with more responsibility than what was ahead for me. Had MJC taken me in during the first intake, I would have never know what Millenia Institute was like (and I never had a day of unhappiness there except for the beginning). Had MJC taken me in in the end, I doubt I will ever have the chance to run for Student Council.
Only 4 persons were selected for the I & E committee, something intriguing to think about.
Maybe every rejection is a blessing-in-disguise...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Today =)
Reckon it's high time to put up all my lovely posters ^^
btw the URL is
Also found out that there's 5 people who like drawing manga/anime in class: Me, twins, and two other guys.
There's a Biology test tomorrow. Hope that nobody fails, because the remedials will make one a super-dee-duper busy person. And we don't have much life already. Everything is now all about school school and school.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I'm lazy =P
Yay word count rocks! Just don't use "Enter" or point form will do...or inaccuracy will occur.
Saves me a great deal of time trying to count the PW thing...
I know that doing this means I'm lazy, but since there's a way around, why not use it?
Holiday next week
There's just so much I want to do, so little time.
I just have to make the best out of my time, I hope.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
What's going on with Life
Been doing the posters for the elections. Simple but plain.
Still, have to give things a go.
I'm so glad that the PI for Thursday is a draft work.
Still need more time to think of something better than what I have in mind.
And there's the GP presentation next week.
And there's a chess book I need to complete reading this and next week. Want to learn all the openings available: King's Pawn, Queen's Gamble, Ruy Lopez etc...
So many things to do, but JC life, I feel, will be the most enriching ever.
Life is so Extraordinary sometimes...
Even my senior was.
Anyway, speech today was short but ok I think. I advertised my blog haha.
And I updated it with my write-up =)
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Fun day..weeee...
But today was different. It's with some of my classmates (and they are nice people to be with)
More details at ken's blog @
We met McDonald's mascot Mr Ronald McDonald at a McDonald outlet somewhere near traffic light leading to Tampines interchange...and surprisingly he did magic tricks for us, even though we are a bunch of 16 or 17 year olds ^^;; Cherrlyn thinks the balls may have been modified for the trick...
And then when I was going home from TM I saw the clown (ahahaha...) again at TM Mac outlet...
Talking about my classmates, there are some weirdos in there. The twins in class can be classified as that, since they like unconventional stuff like guy x guy shippings (aka homosexuals), blood-filled scenes, etc. But thinking of this good friend I know of who likes blood and claims to be psychotic, I really wonder if their childhood experience has something to do with it. As long as they are harmless, weirdos are still human, we've got to learn to accept them.
I dunno if I'm one anyway. I'm slightly a nerd (thanks to homework---it keeps reminding me to think about school stuff almost all the time), slightly a computer geek (thanks to my interest in Pokemon which leads to an interest in making websites), and a girl who plays International Chess (no one else is for now in chess club maybe)...
Or maybe I'm just a "Multi-talented" individual...
For now, I'm stuck at Question 5(ii) of the Trigo tutorial while helping someone with it...still trying but taking a break to blog for now.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I'm running for SC...
I'm running for SC.
I don't know what the heck I'm doing.
I don't mean that I don't have a very good reason to join it, but I usually assume that SCs are popular people in school. And a girl like me seems out of place. I'm quiet and reserved. Just like in Secondary school, but by stupid circumstances. There isn't any good friends from my secondary school here to hang out with.
Yet I really have a desire to do something to improve the school. And I can talk if I want. The stupid tutorials have been the problem. And it is going to be over very soon...
I walk around the school and found some more campaign posters. 3 girls so far from S08, the class I'm supposed to be in. And then I happened to overhear that someone is aiming to be VP of SC.
Oh yeah, and here's my SC Election Campaign Blog at
Please visit and drop me a tag!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Don't understand Biology too well. What intrinsic or extrinsic stuff?
Plus I will definitely flop Chemistry Practical if I don't improve by next week. I'm clumsy with the apparatus.
I believe I can sort out these problems once I can finish all those annoying but neccessary tutorials. Haiz...
Monday, April 18, 2005
But sometimes I wonder if I should have ever joined a club about it.
I'm the musical type.
But I have had enough of the long gruelling hours to practice.
And being un-appreciated for my efforts.
And failing Piano practical twice already due to neglect.
The group has more girls than guys.
Now things are totally different.
This group has more guys than girls.
And I'm the only girl who's taking up International Chess.
Is my world going nuts or something?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Restrictions X_X
Firstly, it cannot exist as a CCA, but only as an interest group. Secondly, it cannot be publicised around much. Thirdly, JCC have to be under a CCA. Fourthly, a proposal for JCC to be an interest group under Art Club is still pending. And it goes on.
Are they just trying to make us give up on the idea?
Same goes for the Polo Tee issue on the forums, although I felt there wasn't really any need for it, at least for myself.
There are so many things similar about the both of them:
1) They are both not original, other schools have them.
2) The previous cohorts had actually proposed them but had failed in their attempt.
3) The so-called "practical people" don't see a need for them.
4) Probably a lot of red-tape to be overcomed in the process.
I just wonder.
Homeworking @ Sunday
Been waiting for 1 week and 2 days for the webhosting already. When will they ever reply?
Hopefully their servers and DNS problems have been fixed by now.
Time to work on the news journal X_X
Friday, April 15, 2005
Weekends are back!
I am having problems with Biology especially, all about the hydrophobic and hydrophilic etc is confusing me, and I will need to revise the Chemistry topic about the whatever spdf stuff...forgot what it really is. Also need to go through Trigo of Maths, there are some stupid equations that have to be remembered for convenience sake X_X
Plus I'm going to have to do the 3 GP questions thing. May have to do extra since I'm the one compiling them :-P (haha...) Also on the list of homework is GP news journal. And I need to bring some photograph. [Putting a note here on what's needed on Monday so that I can be self-reminded =)]
Really wonder about my 2 very-very-very-good friends at MJC, going to meet them this weekend. I can't wait. It has been some time since I last met them. The last time was when we collected results.
btw, drew something using the write function on MSN. It's awesome.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Time to de-stress!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Slightly burned
Hope I can complete them quickly or it may affect my mental state. How I hate to worry about stuff that is not done...
Also been having problems with SPA, like time management, standards of recordings (how many decimal places) and calculations. Hopefully once I get used to the lab settings I will do better at it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
What's with me?
Also, been plagued by a problem of being too quiet among my class people. I'm beginning to like my class by the day and this feeling is one of the few encouragements that I have to keep going on every day.
Maybe I am just thinking too much of things that shouldn't be thought of much.
In this school, neither my previous enemies or friends in my secondary school are here. All either have gone on to better JCs or poly. Maybe this is for the better, since everyone here is new, but it comes with a heavy price tag. All my best and close friends have gone on to another JC. And there's one new CCA club there which I wanted to join.
Yet by a twist of fate, I came here. Missed 1 point to get in there.
TPJC's facilities are not new, the school started in 1988. And students here complain of the canteen food which is said to be worse than their secondary school's. Which I have to agree somewhat. The CCAs are not very unique or interesting, and I did not want to rejoin my previous CCA, because it has tired me out way too much back in sec school.
However, when I think about all these, I think of MI. Compared to TPJC, it is more shabby (more than a hundred years old), the canteen food is even worse (two canteens stalls only). And most of the CCAs are held in the other Jurong campus, which means long school days for their students.
This makes me appreciate what I have, although I'm still feeling a little upset about why I cannot take a fourth A level subject. Really feel that my first three months grounding in economics is all wasted away.
Yet I consider myself to be lucky that I have more free time than my friends who are taking 4 subjects.
A tarot reading some time ago mentioned that a great sacrifice has to come with success. Is that what it means? I really don't know.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Learning styles...
Been somewhat lost during lectures so far when it comes to Chemistry and Biology. The handouts lets you fill in the blanks but this isn't really suited to my learning style. I prefer to sit through the lectures listening to the teacher and not double-tasking through it. I am just not the type who learns through writing stuff down.
I recall a seminar I attended last year whereby they analysed your learning styles:
- Visual: Learner who is good at memorising with picture aids.
- Aural: Learner who is good at listening for details.
- Read-Write: Learner who remembers best by writing down notes.
- Kinestic: A usually inqusitive learner who learns best by exploring on his own and doing hands-on modules.
For me, I'm the Visual/Aural learner. The shared problem with both learning styles causes me to be easily distracted. And that means I cannot multi-task well. And I really dislike jotting down notes unless it's a practice on some new type of questions. I'm just simply not the read-write type of people.
Today's GP lecture was about education, and it brought up a point which stated that the Asian system of education was more structured than the US system. There is also criticism that education is just not catered to the various possible learning styles of the students. I really can't help agreeing.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
What a week...
My CCA now is Chess club, yet I keep wondering if I should have chosen Chinese Orchestra. I really miss playing my erhu and it has been left to rot at a small inconspicuous corner of my room. Yet I can't afford to give up 3 days a week for it, because I've to rest and to concentrate on Piano stuff X_X
Homework-wise hasn't been smooth-sailing but I hope to catch up ASAP.
And I'm still waiting for the free webspace of 500MB I signed up for. They hadn't sent me a PM yet. And then it's time to design somemore websites and forums ^^
Plus I've got news that JCC (Japanese Cultural Club) will be allowed to exist as an interest group first. Once it's more established we can officially become a CCA. Only 20 members can join the group and they must be committed. The only headache we are having now is what kind of activities we can conduct in the club.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Life is so X_X sometimes
Anyway, lets go on to the introductions! I'm Cindy of 05S07, taking Biology, Chemistry & C Maths. A pity that I have to give up Economics though, it was a great subject.
I'm naturally a shy person so it takes time for me to open up. I know I can talk if I want to.
I like to design websites, draw fanarts or random people (and maybe colour them), even though I don't really draw too well. I also update my Pokémon Manga Fansite (Aww...I'm sure to be teased for this...) in my free time.
About CCA, I'm still thinking about Chinese Orchestra, Choir, Debate Club, Gavel Club, Maths Society, Art Club, Chess Club. So feel free to send all your CCA details to me. I'm dying to know more because I'm in a dilemma now X_X
I'm also kind of interested in supernatural stuff. Such as Tarot Cards. It really predicted that I was to stay at TPJC, for my own good. (I'm not fated to be an MJC student, so there it goes. But I'm ok with TPJC, it takes time to get used to everything.)
Currently I'm still new to TPJC so to all JC 2s, "qing duo duo zi ziao" (Oh great, I think I almost forgot how to use hanyu pinyin...). Also, to all fellow JC 1s, let's work hard, play hard together and reach for our goals, shall we? =)